VoodooLights Screensaver Demo, Installation Instructions a) As a demo: 1) Unzip to , preserving directory hierarchy. (ex: pkunzip -d VoodooLights.zip) 2) Run VoodooLights.exe 3) Any key or mouse move will terminate program. b) As a windows screensaver (not very compliant to win95 screensaver directives) 1) same as above. 2) copy VoodooLights.exe to C:\Windows\System\VoodooLights.scr 3) edit autoexec.bat and add the following line: SET VoodooLights_Texture_Path=/VoodooLights/Textures 4) In DisplayProperties choose VoodooLights as your screensaver. 5) Reboot your machine. Notes: VoodooLights uses 800x600 screen resolution @ 75 Hz. Frame rate is targeted at 25 frames per second (75/3). You need a Pentium 120 to get 25 frames/sec. These settings can and will be overridden by any SST_SCREENREFRESH, SST_VSYNC, SST_SWAP_EN_WAIT_ON_VSYNC environment variables you might have in your autoexec.bat. This demo was designed for the settings mentioned above. You might get better or worse results if you play with those values. In this current version there are no settings/options, future releases might correct that. Rush Support: VoodooLights is said to work with Rush, namely with the Stingray 128/3D card, but I didn't test it myself. I would welcome any problems reported. Enjoy, Sérgio Duarte Address: Sérgio Duarte Avenida João Crisóstomo, 54, 6 Esq. P-1050 Lisboa Portugal